Paper in Journal of Language and Aging Research

Suzanne Evans Wagner has published a brief invited paper in the brand new Journal of Language and Aging Research, for which she serves on the inaugural advisory board. The paper, titled Including older adults in variationist sociolinguistics via mobile self-recording, talks about the success that the lab’s MI Diaries project has had with collecting self-recorded ‘audio diaries’ (see Sneller, Wagner, and Ye 2022). Wagner suggests that similar mobile apps could be appealingly low-friction routes for older speakers to contribute to sociolinguistic research.

JLAR’s editors are David Bowie (University of Alaska – Anchorage) and Annette Gerstenberg (University of Potsdam). According to its website,

The Journal of Language and Aging Research is a peer-reviewed open-access journal focusing on the intersection of aging and language. JLAR has been established in recognition of an emerging community of scholars that is working to discover what actually is happening with language during this varied yet universal process of aging we are all experiencing, and to provide a venue for those investigating this fertile topic to share their findings with each other and with the wider scholarly community. In JLAR we adapt an inclusive approach, studying both language-related phenomena and the later stages of life in order to learn both about and from aging. By creating a journal dedicated only to the intersection of language and aging, we aim to allow for disciplinary diversity united by the common message that aging is linguistically highly relevant. JLAR is therefore meant to give comprehensive visibility to linguistic research on aging, and allow it to emerge from being unrepresented and underrepresented.

Journal of Language and Aging homepage, retrieved 8/7/2023.
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