Five current and former members of the Sociolinguistics Lab have had papers accepted to NWAV 51, the premier North American conference on language variation and change! NWAV 51 will take place October 13-15 at Queens College, CUNY. * indicates a graduate student
- *Adam Barnhardt. The developmental imperative and indexical fields: What conditions variation for use in early-adolescent stance-taking?
- *Jack Rechsteiner. The impact of social information on VOT shadowing by nonbinary speakers.
- Betsy Sneller, Suzanne Evans Wagner, *Adam Barnhardt, *Jack Rechsteiner, and *Yongqing Ye. It’s not the THOUGHT that counts for a LOT of Michigan English sound changes.
- Suzanne Evans Wagner, Betsy Sneller, and *Jack Rechsteiner. Sociolinguistic research projects as brands.
- *Yongqing Ye. Nasalization change over time in Michigan English.